Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Kairo System Requirements

Kairo System Requirements

(Publisher: Richard Perrin | Developer: Richard Perrin | Genre: First-person Puzzle)

Enter the lost world of Kairo. Explore vast abandoned monuments. Bring strange and ancient machinery back to life. Slowly uncover the true purpose of Kairo and fulfil a great destiny

Transcendent soundtrack and inhuman scale aside, even if there isn’t an actual god trapped somewhere within this particular machine, there are at least a handful of ghosts knocking around instead. Kairo’s a first-person puzzle game set in a deserted world of ancient machines and towering architecture: you won’t actually meet anyone who still has a pulse as you wander about, but you will constantly be confronted with confusing relics of the past and tantalising glimpses of a vast and comprehensive knowledge. You’ll be forced to ponder how things used to work and you’ll steadily tease out how you can get it all up and running once again.

System Requirements:
√ Windows XP
√ 1GB HDD Space,
√ 2GHz Dual Core CPU,
√ 2GB RAM,
√ Shader Model 3.0 Era Graphics Card,
√ 256MB VRAM



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